White lantern ring
White lantern ring

white lantern ring

However, Nekron had a plan: the Blackest Night. Several times since his existence was revealed, Nekron attempted to enter our universe and destroy all life, but each time he was repelled by its heroes, most notably the Green Lanterns. He seeks to bring an end to all life, extinguishing the light of emotion and bringing the universe back to its original state of being: darkness and death. For eons, he was trapped in the Land of the Unliving, a kind of limbo dimension where dead souls linger before judgment, but the death of the immortal Krona brought the universe of the living to his attention. Nekron is the shadow cast by the light of life and emotion. The universal personification of oblivion-the absence of all light, life, and emotion. Notable Characters Associated with the Black Lightįirst Appearance: Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #2 (June 1981) Zombie Apocalypse: Their origin is one of these and it spreads far and wide.Revenant Zombie: Black Lanterns retain all their memories instead of being just mindless corpses, however they're as malevolent as any zombie.This does nothing to change the fact that they're undead abominations intent on psychologically breaking the loved ones of the deceased beings they're created from in addition to wiping out all life. Light Is Not Good: Their outfits have tons of white in them, and their powers manifest as silvery light at some points in the comic, they glow radiantly.From a Single Cell: If just one cell survives then the ring can rebuild its host.Eviler than Thou: They've forced every character to fight together in the name of survival.Emotion Eater: They consume the emotions of their victims to power their battery, by ripping the targets' heart out.Dark Is Not Evil: Hal Jordan as a Black Lantern in Wrath of the First Lantern.Dark Is Evil: Nekron considers that it is for the greater good of the universe (and technically he's right.Combat Pragmatist: They'll do anything to provoke emotion and take over new bodies.Came Back Wrong: Everyone revived this way is a soulless villain.

white lantern ring

Breaking Speech: Utilizes the memories of their host to provoke emotion and stab tender points in their targets.Aura Vision: Their vision allows them to detect and track anyone holding strong emotions, which are represented by the corresponding colors also seen amongst the Lantern Corps.Deathstorm then claimed the White Lantern and used it to recreate more Black Lanterns, who served the Anti-Monitor until the real Firestorm intervened and destroyed them. Though Nekron was defeated, the consciousness of the Black Lantern Firestorm remained in the Firestorm Matrix soon splitting off and naming himself Deathstorm. Their rings animate the dead, giving them whatever abilities and memories they had in life (though the souls are absent) along with flight and ridiculous levels of regeneration. They've been manipulating heroes and Lanterns to make them experience pure extreme emotions which they can feed upon. The Black Lanterns devour the light of all other Lanterns (whose lights are supposed to collectively represent Life). The being behind it all is Nekron, the avatar of Death, who claims that the natural state of the universe is eternal darkness and death absent of time and that the light of creation and life is but a temporary disturbance of that state and to that end, death has stirred to restore this "peaceful" state of rest. They have their own Guardian, Scar, an Oan corrupted during the war with Sinestro. Their leader is the Black Hand, a long time Green Lantern enemy and necrophile. Their Power Battery is made from the corpse of the Anti Monitor. It is not known if he was willingly fighting or under a trance, yet he lost with the rest of the League and was not seen again.Per the Blackest Night prophecy, the emergence and conflict among the other colors led to the stirring of the Black Lanterns. They were also able to create a method to take action against those who would have sided with Doom over Justice before Perpetua even awoke.Įventually John fought against Prime Earth Justice League under the command of Alpheus, the World Forger. It is later revealed that this version of Justice League, and the Multiverse they reside in, is the only one who made it possible to prevent Lex Luthor from awakening Perpetua and wreaking havoc across the Multiverse.

White lantern ring